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PF Store - Reading is Fundamental

Produk Terbaru

Intip buku-buku terbitan terbaru dari Pen Fighters.

Fundamentals of Biology

Biology, at its essence, is the study of life and living organisms. It explores the intricacies of how living beings grow, reproduce, and interact with their environments. By understanding these processes, we gain insight into the very fabric of life itself. This book lays the groundwork for such understanding, making complex topics accessible through detailed… selengkapnya

Rp 70.000
Pre Order / PF018
Kinerja Universitas: Modal Intelektual & Good University Governance (GUG)

Buku Kinerja Universitas: Modal Intelektual & Good University Governance (GUG) menawarkan perspektif komprehensif tentang bagaimana perguruan tinggi dapat mengoptimalkan kinerja mereka melalui pemanfaatan modal intelektual dan penerapan prinsip-prinsip tata kelola universitas yang baik. Dalam era persaingan global dan tuntutan kualitas pendidikan yang semakin tinggi, buku ini menjadi panduan strategis bagi para pemangku kepentingan di bidang… selengkapnya

*Harga Hubungi CS
Pre Order / PF017
Professional Zakah: A Comprehensive Guide

Professional Zakah: A Comprehensive Guide emerges from a growing need for a resource that bridges the gap between the religious significance of Zakah and its practical application in the modern world. This book is intended for a diverse audience, from individuals seeking to fulfill their Zakah obligations with clarity and confidence to professionals working within Zakah… selengkapnya

*Harga Hubungi CS
Pre Order / PF016
Unleashing the Power of Play: Gamification and Edutainment for EFL Learners

This book presents a revolutionary approach: harnessing the power of gamification and edutainment to make EFL learning fun, interactive, and effective. Here, you’ll discover a treasure trove of ideas, from transforming vocabulary building into a thrilling quest to practicing grammar through collaborative game challenges. Whether you’re a seasoned educator or just starting your journey in teaching EFL, this book is… selengkapnya

*Harga Hubungi CS
Pre Order / PF015

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PF Store - Reading is Fundamental

PF Store - Reading is Fundamental

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